Timing Belt Replacement

Does your vehicle need a new timing belt?

The timing belt on your vehicle, new, used, commercial, Ford or other, plays a crucial role in how the engine operates and ensures that components do not come into contact with each other. If the timing belt breaks, components within your engine will be damaged – often creating the need for a replacement engine or a costly re-build.

As with many other consumable components within your vehicle, a timing belt will deteriorate over time – even if your vehicle only achieves a low mileage per year. As timing belt renewal is based on kilometres travelled or time in operation, it is imperative that changes are carried out in line with factory guidelines – or even sooner in the case of older vehicles.

Our dedicated Service staff will be able to offer advice and check the condition of your timing belt if requested. If a replacement is required, you can be assured that the work is carried out by our trained technicians who only use the highest quality parts as well as a guarantee for added peace-of-mind.

For more information, call into our showroom or contact Becky on 056 777 0700 to schedule an appointment.


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